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Canova. Four Tempos
Photographs by Luigi Spina

21/04/24 ● 29/09/24

Canova. Four Tempos

by Luigi Spina

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From April 20th to September 29th, the Museo Gypsotheca Antonio Canova in Possagno will host the exhibition “Canova. Four Tempos” by Luigi Spina, born from his photographic research project in this Museum.

His report is the result of four photographic campaigns realized in four years, starting from 2019, each of them being published by 5 Continents Editions, with texts by Vittorio Sgarbi. The third volume has recently won the medal gold prize as the best Art Book awarded by ICMA – International Editorial-Design & Research Forum. The fourth and last volume of this editorial project will exactly be released in the occasion of this exhibition.

Luigi Spina has selected 32 black&white large sized photographs, among the most symbolic ones, about love, myth and heroic themes all present in the Gypsotheque of Possagno, and made them interact with Canova’s statues currently displayed in Gemin wing, a separate extention of the Gypsotheque.

These pictures succeed in seizing the Artist’s creative moment, when the idea becomes plaster and gets a shape: the precise moment when the genius competes with the limits of the material, trying to mould it, to change it, and make it have the shape he aims at.

Galleria immagini

LUIGI SPINA was born in Santa Maria Capua Vetere in 1966.

His main research fields are the amphitheatres, the civic sense of the sacred, the bonds between art and faith, the ancient cultural identities, the approach to the classic sculpture, the obsessive research on the sea and the boxes of the dreaming archaeologist (Giorgio Buchner). He has published more than twenty photographic books about his personal research and he has realized prestigious photographic campaigns for Institutions and Museums. Among these volumes, edited in several languages and distributed all around the world, we can mention the project on the Roman Forum, The Uncertain Hour, Electaphoto (2014); Portraits of Rome at the Montemartini, Silvana Editoriale (2019); and also The Buchner Boxes (2014), The Dancers of Villa dei Papiri (2015), Myth Journal, Visual Reports on the Farnese Collection (2017), I Brothers (2020), Sing Sing, the body of Pompeii (2020), The Bronzes of Riace (2022) and Inside Pompeii (2023) all published by 5 Continents Editions.

The renowned magazine MATADOR, Fabrica Madrid, dedicated the cover page and the main story in number T.

In 2020 the prestigious magazine Artribune awarded him as best photographer of the year. In 2022 he was among the finalists of the 73rd Michetti Award for Contemporary Art and winner at Michetti Digital Award. In 2023 he was awarded the Amedeo Maiuri International Prize for Photography.


Download the press release

● Volume
Canova. Four Tempos
Volume IV

Available on the Museum E-Store

Museo Gypsotheca Antonio Canova
Via Canova 74 31054 Possagno (Treviso)

● From Tuesday to Friday from 9:30 to 18:00. Saturdays, Sundays and non-working days from 09:30 to 19:00.

Last admission one hour before closing time.

● Tickets
Full price ticket: 10 €
Reduced price
Check the section

● Tickets
It is possible to get them directly at the Museum or online

● Info / +39 0423 544 323

● Press Office



Consiglio di Amministrazione

Massimo Zanetti

Valerio Favero

Elisa Basso
Marco Comellini
Isabella Finato
Gianantonio Tramet
Alessandro Vardanega

Revisore dei conti
Gianmichele Visentin Graziano


Moira Mascotto

Eugenio Tamburrino

Didattica ed Eventi
Irene Longo

Referente Tecnico
Lino Zanesco

Ufficio mostre e progetti
Chiara Lazzarin

Biglietteria e prenotazioni
Maria Laura Bizzotto
Giada Tonin

Laura Casarsa



Art Direction
Stefano Montagnana

Coordinamento editoriale
Aldo Carioli

Lucia Moretti

Pixel Studio, Bresso, Italia



Domenico Antonio Pallavicino

Direttore artistico
Vittorio Sgarbi


Ufficio Stampa

Studio Esseci
Studio Erica Prous


Elia Gazzola
Printmateria, Spazio Solido

Paolo Moglia Broker srl

Giordano Passarella Restauri

Un ringraziamento a tutti coloro che, a vario titolo, hanno contribuito alla
realizzazione di questo progetto.

● Patrocinio

● Con il sostegno di


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