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Canova and Power.
Giovanni Battista Sommariva’s Collection.

22/03/23 ● 03/09/23

Canova and Power.

Giovanni Battista Sommariva’s Collection.

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The Museo Gypsotheca Antonio Canova in Possagno opens to the public, on March 22nd, the exhibition Canova and Power. Giovanni Battista Sommariva’s collection, created by Vittorio Sgarbi and curated by Moira Mascotto and Elena Catra, that pays homage to the grand master by reconstructing the prestigious relationships the artist had with the leading exponents of the political and cultural scene of his time. This exhibition wants to shine a light on the unbreakable bond between art and power. Sought after and admired on an international scale, Canova had as clients Europe’s most influential personalities of his time, from sovereigns, pontiffs, and nobles from different European courts all the way to the United States of America. 


The exhibition, that will remain open until the 3rd of September, explores for the first time the complex figure of Giovanni Battista Sommariva and his prestigious collection that counts nine pieces. It includes five important marbles by Canova himself, and others by Francesco Hayez, Bertel Thorvaldsen and Pierre Paul Prud’hon, exceptionally reunited for this occasion at the Museum in Possagno. 

Extraordinary is the presence of the marble depicting the Apollino from the Communal Art Collection of Bologna and exhibited for the first time to the public after its restoration sustained by the Canova Museum and realized by the Opificio of the Pietre Dure of Florence. In addition to this, what adds prestige to the exhibition are the paintings and the sculptures from both national and international private and public collections.


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Canova e il Potere. La collezione di Giovanni Battista Sommariva (only in Italian)

Disponibile sull’E-Store del Museo

Museo Gypsotheca Antonio Canova
Via Canova 74 31054 Possagno (Treviso)

●  Hours
Tuesday – Friday from 9:30 to 18:00 
Saturday-Sunday and Public Holodays from 9:30 to 19:00
Last entry 1 hour before closing

● Price
Full priced ticket: 10€
For all reductions and discounts 
Check out the dedicated section

● Tickets
You can purchase your ticket directly at the museum or online. 

Go to Ticketlandia

● For info and bookings / +39 0423 544 323

● Press office


● From an idea of Vittorio Sgarbi 

● Curated by
Moira Mascotto
Elena Catra

● Artistic direction:

● Board of directors: President: Vittorio Sgarbi, Vice-president: Valerio Favero, Councillors: Silvia Basso, Isabella Finato, Gerardo Santoro, Ivano Zordan, Secretary: Eugenio Tamburrino

● Study Committee 
Coordinator: Francesco Leone
Chiara Casarin, Elena Catra, Tommaso Ferruda, Peter Glidewell, Stefano Grandesso, Fabrizio Magani, Martina Massaro

● Catalogue
Curated by Moira Mascotto, Elena Catra

Museo Gypsotheca Antonio Canova
Moira Mascotto;
Education and events:
Irene Longo;
Technical representative:
Lino Zanesco;
Exhibition and projects office: Margherita Basso,
Chiara Lazzarin;
Ticket office and bookings: Maria Laura Bizzotto; Giada Tonin;
Communications: Laura Casarsa

● Press Office: CASADOROFUNGHER communications

Register Lenders
Archivio Papafava Antonini dei Carraresi, fondo Novello Papafava
Bologna, Collezioni Comunali d’Arte
Civici Musei di Udine – Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe
Collezione Massimo Listri
Collezione Gian Enzo Sperone
Collezione Roberto Sgarbossa
Confederazione Svizzera, Museo Vincenzo Vela, Ligornetto
Direzione Regionale Musei della Toscana – Lucca, Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Mansi
Fondazione Accademia Carrara, Bergamo
Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia, Museo Correr
Galleria Nuova Arcadia – Padova
Milano, Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera (in comodato presso Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Milano)
SABAP Città metropolitana di Milano
Musée national des châteaux de Malmaison et Bois- Préau
Museo civico di Asolo
Napoleonmuseum Arenenberg
Roma, Museo Napoleonico
Regione Siciliana, Assessorato dei Beni Culturali e della Identità siciliana Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali e della Identità Siciliana – Museo Regionale Interdisciplinare di Messina

We also thank all those who preferred anonymity.

Adarte di Stefania Moretto, Paola Franca Lorenzi, Giordano Passarella Restauri, Edda Zonta Restauri

A.g.e. assicurazione gestione enti srl , Paolo Moglia Broker srl

Interlinea Fine Art Service srl, Arteria srl, Züst & Backmaier SA

● Patrocinio


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